For Best Results

  • Find a quiet place where you will remain undisturbed so you can focus on the center of who you are… It is better to be seated rather than lying down, in a room without distractions. For best results give this program your undivided attention.
  • If interrupted at any time… relax, deal with whatever needed your attention and then simply restart the session.
  • People have asked whether sleep will affect their ability to get a benefit… Some people believe that they fall asleep, and others simply manage to go so deeply into an altered state of awareness, a trance state that they lose conscious awareness, this is true, they lose conscious awareness but they are not asleep.
  • Like All of the performance hacker processes… Have your intention clearly set before listening to the session. This will help guide your unconscious to get exactly what it needs to get from the session. Do the prep work where necessary.
  • Listen to a NAP session no more than 3 times a day and give a few hours rest between sessions, especially if using different sessions.
  • NAP sessions are catalysts (accelerators) for rapid and permanent change. They simply provide access to inner resources that you have not been fully utilizing already. Your success depends on you and your ability to move forward. Like any performance, look with.
  • Use a session for 1 week to ensure best results and that you have locked in the response that you desire from your mind and body. Then a simple refresher for continuous integration and development as your needs and development changes course.
  • If the results are not the exact results that you actually want to gt, then shift up your routine of how and when you listen to the track. For example, if sitting, change to a different seat or even a recliner. Shift the time of day or evening…